June Challenge

I was involved in a challenge this last month with some girls on Facebook. We posted our goals and a motivational phrase and had to take some pictures of ourselves. I don't like pictures of myself. I am not confident in my own skin. But for the challenge it was necessary. I am posting them here to hopefully give people there own inspiration. Some people made drastic changes and that works for them. I wanted to make simple changes that would last and help myself and my family in the long run. 
I have finally gotten to the point that I am ok with my weight. According do doctors I am "overweight".  However, I am the same exact size right now as when I weighed in the "normal" weight range. What's the difference? I have muscle. 
I still have a stomach and that will be something that I am always working on. I had one when I was kid even. People will still ask me at least once a month if I am pregnant and I will still get upset. But in the end I will be ok. I will go the gym work hard and then look in the mirror and be happy with where I am at. 
I am a stronger singer, more confident, happier, satisfied person overall. I still have things to work on and things I want to get better at and change, but it's a process and I am getting there. 
Slow and steady wins the race. 

So here is my before and after. 


  1. YAY for you! Lookin' GOOD! Eating right and getting in exercise, etc., can be such a HUGE ongoing struggle and I admire and respect your perseverance. Thank you for being inspirational and motivating and also for the honesty and even the courage it sometimes takes to put it all out there.

    1. Thank you Karen. I am so happy with my results and I hope I can inspire more people with my slightly embarrassing pictures. :)




About Me

My photo
I am a Mom to 7 in the wonderful state of Kentucky. The love of my life and I own our little homestead with big dreams. I am a musician currently getting my certification in Music Therapy. We both have full time jobs and a busy life that has gotten in the way of life lately. We are on a mission to reclaim life and get back into being young again.
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